There are more than 6,800 reptile species on earth; the major groups are alligators and crocodiles, turtles, lizards, and snakes. All reptiles are cold-blooded, which is why they warm themselves in the sun, and have bodies covered in dry, horny scales. Reptiles lay eggs like these... can you guess which animal these eggs come from?

They're crocodile eggs. Let's see what they look like when they hatch......

Would you like to see how they hatch? Watch this video and discover what they look like when they're born....
Well... today we've learnt some useful information about reptiles. Would you like to learn some more? Click on this link and discover lots more information all about these scaly animals..
Tommorow we're going to learn more about another group of vertebrate animals. Some of them look like this when they're babies....

Can you guess which animals they are?
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