Friday 2 July 2010


Well.... if they're not vertebrate animals then what are they? Do you remember at first we talked about vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Well, today we're going to discover the world of invertebrate animals. Like this one ....

Arthropods are insects, spiders, crustaceans, scorpions, and centipedes. They have been on the earth for more than 500 million years!

They are divided into four subgroups, the first being......
Chelicerates: this group includes spiders and scorpions like this one....

The second group is Crustaceans which include about 50,000 species of lobsters and crabs. Most crustaceans live in the water like this one.....

The next group is called Hexapods and includes insects. The body of a hexapod is divided into three sections, a head, thorax, and abdomen like this one.....

And finally there are myriapods... more than 13,000 species of millipedes and centipedes.. like this one .....

There are over one million species of arthropods. During their life cycle, they undergo a transformation called metamorphosis which is a radical transformation of their bodies. They begin as larva like this.....

and transform into adults like this....

Now it's time to discover some more unusual insects ....

View more presentations from claire ujma.
And finally we're going to have some fun! We're going to make some fun cakes like this....

Click on this link to discover how to make these fun cakes...

Well... that's all for now!!! But we'll be back with lots more information about the animal kingdom!!!!


So...if it wasn't the bird what animal was it? Today we're going to talk all about mammals. Like these .....

Did you know that we are mammals? Yes, mammals are the group of animals that we belong to. There are only about 4,000 kinds of mammals which sounds like a lot, but when you consider there are 21,000 kinds of fish and 800,000 kinds of insects there really are very few of us! Here are some of the ways that mammals are alike....
Mammals are warm blooded, which means the temperature could be freezing cold ........

or boiling hot .......

But mammals’ bodies are built to maintain just about the same temperature all the time. Warm blood lets the mammals be very active and live in a wide variety of places. Mammals are everywhere. Polar bears live in very cold areas. Camels live in hot areas. Moles live under the ground. Bats live in caves and fly in the air. Dolphins live in the oceans. Fur and fat help protect mammals who live in the cold.

All mammals have fur or hair. Sometimes it's long hair covers its entire body like this....

and sometimes it has very short hair or there are just a few strands like this cat.....

Even mammals that swim under the water (like dolphins and whales) have hair.

We all drink Milk!
Most mammal babies live inside their mothers before they are born, just like humans. When the baby is big enough, it comes out of its mother’s body. Like this baby kangaroo.....

Even though some baby mammals are born different ways, they all drink milk that comes from their mothers' bodies. Baby pigs, dolphins, bats and elephants all drink milk! Because babies rely on their mother's milk to live, the mammal mommies have to care for their young. The length of time varies from a few weeks for mice to many years for humans!

People have "baby teeth" or "milk teeth" like this ......

The only exceptions are mammals like anteaters .....they don't have any teeth at all.
Mammal mothers are hard workers. Baby mammals learn from their mothers. Most of the mothers don’t really try to teach their babies, but the babies watch their mother and do the things they see her do. Through copying their mothers, baby mammals learn everything they need to survive.

So, what do mammals eat when they grow up? They eat all sorts of different things! Lions are mammals who eat meat ..... they are called carnivores.....

Cows are mammals who eat plants ....they are called herbivores.......

People are mammals who eat meat and plants – they are called omnivores.

Now take a look at these pictures and see how many different mammals there are and see if you can discover the names of each of them.....

Now it's time to test your knowledge on vertebrate animals. Click on these three links and try and get as many answers right as possible.....

Well, how did you get on? Tomorrow we're going to discover our final animal group. One clue... they're not vertebrate animals this, can you guess what they are?

Thursday 1 July 2010


Did you guess correctly... animals with fins are called fish like this one....

A fish is an animal which lives and breathes in water. All fish are vertebrates (have a backbone) and most breathe through gills and have fins and scales. Fish make up about half of all vertebrate species and have been on the earth for more than 500 million years, even before the dinosaurs!!
There are more than 25,000 known species of fish and are divided into three main groups..... "Jawless" like this fish.....

He's not very beautiful, is he? And he doesn't really look like a fish, does he? The next group of fish is called "cartilaginous", and they look like this one....

and finally there are "bony" fish like this one .....

Fish are cold-blooded, which means their internal body temperature changes as the surrounding temperature changes. 40% of all fish live in fresh water. Some fish like sharks, must swim continually or rest on the bottom of the ocean.

Some fish can fly like these ones ....

and others can climb rock like these ones.....

Fish eat other fish, fish eggs, mollusks, aquatic plants, algae, zooplankton, insects, turtles and frogs.

Now... would you like to make a really special fish like this one.....

Click on this link.... they're really easy to make

So... today we've learnt lots about our fishy friends. Tomorrow we're going to discover the final group of vertebrates..... do you know which group it is.... Try and guess, I'll give you a clue

The clue is not the bird!!