Friday 2 July 2010


Well.... if they're not vertebrate animals then what are they? Do you remember at first we talked about vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Well, today we're going to discover the world of invertebrate animals. Like this one ....

Arthropods are insects, spiders, crustaceans, scorpions, and centipedes. They have been on the earth for more than 500 million years!

They are divided into four subgroups, the first being......
Chelicerates: this group includes spiders and scorpions like this one....

The second group is Crustaceans which include about 50,000 species of lobsters and crabs. Most crustaceans live in the water like this one.....

The next group is called Hexapods and includes insects. The body of a hexapod is divided into three sections, a head, thorax, and abdomen like this one.....

And finally there are myriapods... more than 13,000 species of millipedes and centipedes.. like this one .....

There are over one million species of arthropods. During their life cycle, they undergo a transformation called metamorphosis which is a radical transformation of their bodies. They begin as larva like this.....

and transform into adults like this....

Now it's time to discover some more unusual insects ....

View more presentations from claire ujma.
And finally we're going to have some fun! We're going to make some fun cakes like this....

Click on this link to discover how to make these fun cakes...

Well... that's all for now!!! But we'll be back with lots more information about the animal kingdom!!!!


  1. Congratulations... A great blog.

  2. A great blog!! Well done!!! I love all the animals except those hairy spiders!!! AHHHH!!!!
